Driving periods allow you to view the time the drivers have driven and the time they have take time off from driving. For a fleet manager it is important to know the driving periods of the drivers as they provide info as to how long the drivers are driving and how they are managing their work hours.
This overview covers the driving periods endpoint
Fetch a list of the vehicle's driving periods
- Endpoint: v1/driving_periods
- Description: Use this endpoint to view the driving periods of either a specific driver, a vehicle, or during a particular time range.
- Use Case: Understanding how the drivers are managing their workload is primary, as it allows the fleet manager to efficiently streamline the operations and ensures every driver is sufficiently rested before taking on the next assignment. To this end, you can view the driving periods of all of your drivers, or for a section of drivers. This tells you for how long the drivers have been driving, the total duration of driving time, and the status of their current job, apart from other crucial information. All of this information provides a high-level context of how your drivers are utilizing their hours and who is available for you to allocate for the next job.