
Update an existing user

Update: Validation for time_tracking_mode

We have now updated this endpoint with validation, so that the value of time_tracking_mode is compatible with the value of eld_mode.

Ensure that the values of time_tracking_mode correspond to the following values of eld_mode:

Time Tracking Mode ValueMust match the following ELD Mode Value
LogsNone or Logs

Here is an explanation of the scenarios:

Time Tracking Mode ValueELD Mode ValueResult
LogsLogsThe driver need not maintain the log manually, as everything is recorded by the Vehicle Gateway.
LogsNoneThe driver must manually maintain an Electronic Logbook on the Motive Driver app. Logging will be disabled on the Vehicle Gateway.
TimecardsExemptThe driver is exempt from maintaining logs and will use Motive Timecards in the Driver App to track their time.
Not_requiredExemptThe driver is exempt from maintaining logs and is not required to track their time within Motive.

NOTE: Only the above-mentioned combinations are valid and rest all are considered invalid. The API will also validate the combinations and will throw a corresponding error when an invalid combination is found.

Add External Ids

To add one or more external ids follow the same format as mentioned in POST /v1/users endpoint documentation.

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'json'

url = URI('https://api.keeptruckin.com/v1/users/<id>')

http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true

request = Net::HTTP::Put.new(url)
request['Authorization'] = "Bearer <OAUTH_TOKEN>"
request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
params = {
    :email                        => nil,
    :first_name                   => "John1",
    :last_name                    => "Doe1",
    :phone                        => nil,
    :phone_ext                    => nil,
    :time_zone                    => nil,
    :carrier_name                 => nil,
    :carrier_street               => nil,
    :carrier_city                 => nil,
    :carrier_state                => nil,
    :carrier_zip                  => nil,
    :violation_alerts             => "1_hour",
    :terminal_street              => nil,
    :terminal_city                => nil,
    :terminal_state               => nil,
    :terminal_zip                 => nil,
    :exception_24_hour_restart    => false,
    :exception_8_hour_break       => false,
    :exception_wait_time          => false,
    :exception_short_haul         => false,
    :exception_ca_farm_school_bus => false,
    :exception_adverse_driving    => false,
    :export_combined              => true,
    :export_recap                 => true,
    :export_odometers             => true,
    :metric_units                 => false,
    :username                     => "john.doe.demo.fleet",
    :password                     => "password",
    :cycle                        => nil,
    :driver_company_id            => nil,
    :minute_logs                  => false,
    :duty_status                  => "off_duty",
    :eld_mode                     => "none",
    :drivers_license_number       => nil,
    :drivers_license_state        => nil,
    :yard_moves_enabled           => false,
    :personal_conveyance_enabled  => false,
    :manual_driving_enabled       => false,
    :role                         => "driver",
    :dot_id                       => "12345678",
    :time_tracking_mode           => "logs"

request.body = params.to_json

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Restrict fleet user’s access to certain groups

Restrict fleet users access to certain groups, by sending the list of corresponding group_ids inside the custom_user_role object, and not inside the parent level group_ids attribute.

  # restrict fleet user to groups

To add a driver to a group the list of group IDs needs to be sent in the group_ids attribute on the user object

  # add driver to groups
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!