Step 7. Get locations of all assets of a company and their proximity to your location of interest.

This is very similar to Step 2, except here you track an asset rather than a vehicle, by using our asset association endpoint. Assets have their own journeys, sometimes being dropped at a warehouse or shipper facility and then resuming travel. You can track any asset that has an asset gateway.

In your request, indicate the carrier whose asset locations you want by providing one of the two types of company IDs to specify the carrier (you retrieved these IDs in the Step 1 response payload):

  • company_id: Motive's ID for that carrier
  • dot_id: Federal ID(s) for that carrier

In your request, also define the pickup or dropoff location using latitude and longitude (lat,lon).

Our algorithm returns a list of all assets for the carrier you specified, sorted by their proximity to the location of interest. In addition, the response contains asset status, asset attributes, dimensions, license plate information, vehicle attributes, and the asset’s relative distance from the location of interest you provided.

There is a rate limit of once every 12 minutes per consumer_company_id | producer_company_id pairing.

Note: You can now track the asset by creating a subscription event for it, just as you did for a vehicle in Step 3, only this time for the asset. Referring to Step 3, simply make a POST request to the freight_visibility/subscribe endpoint, but provide an asset_id instead of a vehicle_id or vehicle_name.


Learn more

Read our reference documentation about the Asset Association endpoint for details.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!