Step 3. Sync your assets.

In Steps 1-4, you set up TMS integration by synchronizing TMS entities. In this step, use a GET call and then a PUT call to sync your assets between the two systems.

Motive supports bidirectional synchronization of all available entities on both platforms (users, vehicles, and assets). Begin your complete TMS integration by synchronizing all the entities. In this step, we continue setup with assets.

List Assets: GET

To ensure that all your available asset IDs and other details are stored (and correct) on the Motive platform, begin by retrieving a list of assets by calling GET Your call returns a list of assets associated with your company on the Motive platform, and details about the assets (these are numerous and include the assets’ types, models, asset gateway information, and current status).

Update an Asset: PUT

Cross-reference the list with the data stored in your system, and synchronize the two by updating Motive's data with a PUT request to in which you update the external_id field. This is the field where we store your internal TMS ID for the asset. This way, any updates you make to our system will include your own internal IDs in addition to those Motive assigns to assets.

In your update, provide one or more external_ids for each asset by providing with each external_id an associated integration_name, as follows:


Update any other necessary parameters to synchronize the two systems.


Learn more

Read our reference documentation about the Assets object, the GET call, and the PUT call for details.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!